Splenogonadal Fusion with Limb Defects and Micrognathia

Alternative Names

  • Splenogonadal Fusion Limb Defect Syndrome
  • SGFLD Syndrome
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WHO-ICD-10 version:2010

Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities

Other congenital malformations

OMIM Number


Mode of Inheritance

Autosomal dominant Autosomal recessive


Splenogonadal fusion-limb defects-micrognatia syndrome is a rare dysostosis syndrome characterized by abnormal fusion of the spleen with the gonad (or more rarely with remnants of the mesonephros), limb abnormalities (consisting of amelia or severe reduction defects leading to upper and/or lower rudimentary limbs) and orofacial abnormalities such as cleft palate, bifid uvula, microglossia and mandibular hypoplasia. It could also be associated with other malformations such as cryptorchidism, anal stenosis/atresia, hypoplastic lungs and cardiac malformations.

Epidemiology in the Arab World

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Other Reports


Lipson (1995)  described a Lebanese male child born to consanguineous parents who was born with symmetrical tetramelic limb deficiency along with left splenogonodal fusion of the discontinuous type, micrognathia, and a prominent capillary haemangioma of the face. The authors suggested a recessive mode of inheritance in this family. 

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