
Subject Variants

Variant NameAllele CountAllele FrequencyAssociated DiseaseAssociated Gene


Relatives of 620007.5.1 (parents + three brothers).

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Subject IdCountryHPO TermsSexFamily HistoryParental ConsanguinityRemarks
620007.5.1IraqGlobal developmental delay; Intellectual disability, mild; Abnormality of limb bone morphology; Hyporeflexia; Facial myokymia; Narrow mouthMaleYesYesIndex patient from 'family 6' in the publication
620007.5.2IraqGlobal developmental delay; Intellectual disability, mild; Abnormality of limb bone morphology; Hyporeflexia; Facial myokymia; Narrow mouth; EMG: myokymic dischargesMaleYesYesBrother of 620007.5.1
620007.5.3IraqGlobal developmental delay; Abnormality of limb bone morphology; Hyporeflexia; Facial myokymia; Narrow mouth; Intellectual disability, moderateMaleYesYesBrother of 620007.5.1
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