Patched 1

Alternative Names

  • PTCH1
  • Patched, Drosophila, Homolog of, 1
  • PTCH
  • PTC
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OMIM Number




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74,078 bases

No. of Exons


No. of isoforms


Protein Name

Protein patched homolog 1

Molecular Mass

160,545 Da

Amino Acid Count


Genomic Location


Gene Map Locus


PTCH1 gene encodes protein patched homolog 1, which is a multipass transmembrane receptor for the hedgehog family of secreted factors. Binding of hedgehog to the receptor relieves its inhibitory action on the transmembrane co-receptor Smoh. PTCH1 protein seems to have a tumor suppressor function, as inactivation of this protein is probably a necessary, if not sufficient step for tumorigenesis. It plays a role in cell growth, cell specialization, and patterning of many different parts of the developing body.

Defects in the PTCH1 protein have been associated with basal cell nevus syndrome, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, trichoepitheliomas, transitional cell carcinomas of the bladder, as well as holoprosencephaly. Somatic mutations in the PTCH1 gene are associated with a sporadic basal cell carcinoma, medulloblastoma, breast cancer, and colon cancer. Individuals with the 9q22.3 microdeletion have one missing copy of the PTCH1 gene in each cell, which causes the signs and symptoms of Gorlin syndrome. There are other signs and symptoms related to 9q22.3 microdeletions, including delayed development, intellectual disability, overgrowth of the body, and other physical abnormalities.

Epidemiology in the Arab World

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Other Reports

Saudi Arabia

Hellani et al. (2009) sequenced the entire PTCH1 gene for a 15 year-old Saudi boy with nevoid basal cell carcinoma to confirm the diagnosis. A single nucleotide deletion (c.1291delC) in codon 431 was found, resulting in a premature stop translation at residue 431. This mutation caused a deleterious effect on protein structure and function.

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