Kinesin Family Member 6 (KIF6) is a protein coding gene involved in several pathways, including intracellular microtubule transportation in association with caveolae, platelets activation, and Golgi to ER retrograde transport. The gene codes for an intracellular motor protein involved in the active transportation of cellular cargos along microtubules.
Several large studies have shown an association between a common SNP in the KIF6 gene and susceptibility to Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). The presence of this polymorphism, Trp719Arg, has been shown to increase risk to CHD in various ethnic groups worldwide. However, the exact role of KIF6 in the pathogenesis of CHD is not very clear. In addition, SNPs in KIF6 have also been shown to be involved in differential response to statin therapy for patients with CHD.